Sunday, June 29, 2008

Herpies, you guys, wtf!?

Hello, to whomever this may concern, this is my first blog and I decided that, tacking tough and important issues as is my wont, I would share with you folks the brain-scrambling prevalence of herpes in American society and what it means to you (sorry if you already have it :()

So, basically, right off the bat, 1/5 of Americans have genital herpes. That's right! 1/5! And, if you're like me and you live in New York, that's 1/4! 25 frikkin %! And condoms don't even prevent transmission because that sh*t spreads through the skin AROUND your junk!

Folks, as a 17 yo recently no-longer-a-virgin-ized dude living in the city, that is terrifying. I'm not single right now, but the prospect of the ever-coveted one night stand will forever terrify me now, as herpes does not present itself to the infected for days on end sometimes, thus leading to many accidental transmissions. So, yeah, if you're one of those people who likes to go out and hump every moving organism at a club, you just remember that!

Oh yeah, and if you ever get a blowjob from a pretty girl with a pimple on her lip, well, guess what, you may have genital herpes! Cold sores are a form of herpes and it CAN give you genital herpes if you have oral sex -- and IT NEVER GOES AWAY! That's right!

That means that, if they don't find a cure for it, by the time you're 80, not only is your junk going to be all gray and wrinkly (shudders (sorry, I really don't want to dwell on the image either)), you'll still be dealing with red sores ppping up all over the place. It's bad, folks.

Oh, and next time you're at a bar and you see that one really pretty girl that always seems to sit alone, before you go over there and introduce yourself as captain frikkin happy pants, ask yourself this question, "Is she shy because she has genital herpes?" Because let's face it, you probably wouldn't be QUITE as outgoing at a bar if you had it.

Frikkin horrifying! Major cock-blockiness, indeed! So, what can you do to not be one of those golden 1/5 Americans with genital herpes? For one, ALWAYS wear a condom; I think it protects a little and fights other disease and, and this is my own personal theory, works as a talisman to fend the disease off (if they can teach creationsim in school, this is equally valid). For two, WAIT! Don't just hop in bed with the first pretty little thing you see unless you know she hasn't had sex with another dude/dudette for at least several days (a week, maybe?). Otherwise, WAIT, and if he/she doesn't have pulsating warts around his/her general junk area for a few days, you're probably good.

Happy Humping ;)